Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6372-1 is kept in a reinforced glass containment tank 4 meters tall, 15 meters long, and 9 meters wide, filled with water which has been treated to replicate a temperate ocean environment (see document SCP-6372-1-1-H-22 for specifications). Vegetation in SCP-6372-1's habitat is to be maintained twice a week (see document SCP-6372-1-H-19 for specifications). It is forbidden to enter SCP-6372-1's tank for 30 minutes before and after feedings.
SCP-6372-1 is to be fed five (5) kg of raw meat and fish, three (3) times a day. Once every five (5) hours, this meat and fish is to be injected with non-toxic fluorescent dyes (see document SCP-6372-1-G-4 for specifications). The tank is to be lit with techno coral for SCP-6372-1
Description: SCP-6372-1 is a half techno troll & half Shark same size as anthony ramos His Hair is A Bit White, And Arm Colors From Dark Red To Light Red. & A Shark Dorsal Fin On His Back, With Some Blood Squishing On His Flipper. His Eyes, With Eyes Glowing Red On His Pupil And Teeth Sharp.
SCP-6372-1 is a leader of group of SCPs Called SCP-6372 during a containment breach. SCP-6372-1 jump out his containment cell.
SCP-6372-1 kills 17 of the researchers 7 Security officers & 19 D Class. they fired one bullet after another but its keep killing one another they even used anti-tank weapons causing the body of 6372-1 to be gone but it was still able to move forward & destroy the entire team.
that's what SCP-6372-3 came's in & shot a sleeping dart SCP-6372-1 to sleep for 1 hour and its back to his containment cell during a D Class test SCP-6372-1 kills 3 of the D Class members and 6 D Class reman & go to sleep for 1 hour intill wake up and continued to Swim in his containmet cell.
Addendum SCP-6372-1 A SCP-6372-1 was found in hong kong beach during a party 12 people saw some 100 sharks 23 killed 200 people 1 saw a shark but is a Humanoid shark is was glowing not like sharks do it was SCP-6372-1 came in and kill all of 29 people scp foundation came in shot a sleeping dart put to sleep for 1 hour & put SCP-6372-1 to Site-42 in a containment cell. SCP-6372-1 explained what happened in the past years in beaches when during some shark attacks is the best hunting food and killing people.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6372-2 is to be contained within a two room residential containment suite comprising of one bedroom and one bathroom. Entertainment devices are provided dependent on his behavior. The walls of this container have been specially reinforced with an energy shield donated to us by dr.bright and SCP-1765. All tests on it have proved that it safely and reliably contains SCP-6372-2.
With the shield in place normal locks are sufficient to contain him. Should the shield fail however, SCP-6372-2 can pass directly through any wall or obstacle making him nearly impossible to recapture. The shield is therefore equipped with a back-up generator.
Due to high threat of escape, SCP-6372-2 is not allowed outside his cell unless the enclosure is being cleaned. Exercise equipment is provided to alleviate the need for physical exertion.
A specially trained Level-3 Psychologist is to be assigned to SCP-6372-2 to monitor his stress levels and keep him manageable. He/she and any other personnel that need interact with SCP-6372-2 should head the following guidelines.
Description: SCP-6372-2 is a half classical troll & half ghost his mass is 2 kim his body mass his skin is gold,gray,white & transparent. SCP-6372-2 Can Pass through walls & can fly but he in Can't Pass through walls his containment cell because his containment cell is had a energy shield.SCP-6372-2 from a group of SCPs called SCP-6372.
SCP-6372-2 was found in a graveyard same as SCP-6372-3 SCP-6372-2 & SCP-6372-3 take to site-23 & site-77 SCP-6372-2 with SCP-6372-7 & SCP-6372-8 below of the ground of SCP-6372-2 containment cell. during a containment breach energy shield will turn off SCP-6372-2.
Pass through walls of his containment cell and kills 17 researchers 18 Security officers 19 D Class & the team use fire bullets to SCP-6372-2 but it pass through it they even used ghost type missiles causing the body of 6372-2 to be gone but it pass through & able to move forward & destroy the entire team. energy shield net successfully Captured SCP-6372-2 and back to his containment cell during a D Class test kills 3 of the D Class members and 9 D Class reman and go to sleep in his containmet cell for 2 hours.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6372-3 is kept in A single immature instance of SCP-1452 is to be contained in a 8x7x8 meter containment chamber located in Site-77's Euclid containment wing. The walls of this chamber are to be constructed out of natural rock, with the floor being coated in a 15 mm layer of glass. If SCP-1452 integrates itself into its containment chamber, it is to be de-attached from the chamber it has integrated itself into and then relocated. Any immature instance of SCP-6372-3 found outside of containment is to be prepare , and any building it has connected to have mtf clothing. Mature instances of SCP-6372-3 are to be totally prepare for a containment breach .
Uncontained instances of SCP-6372-3 are to be prepare by Reports of SCP-1452 & SCP-6372-3 activity may also be related to SCP-1992.
Description: SCP-6372-3 is a Half country troll & Half Zombie same size as kelly clarkson is color is a Paler Orange it's Hair is All Messy And The Ears of 6372-3 Kinda Droopy & Her Eyes Pupils are a Green And Red Colors SCP-6372-3 is a omnivore eats food of both plant and animal origin. for les killing people & ware a mtf clothnig for a containment breach.
SCP-6372-3 is from a group of SCPs called SCP-6372.
the next day SCP-6372-3 was under the basemant & she finds a mtf video cassette tape and tape player she puts on the tape into the player & she watch the tape.
she finish it 6372-3 called the foundation site director thay says yes & started training 6 months later 6372-3 compete his training & 6372-3 begin to lead mtf team.
SCP-6372-3 was found in a graveyard same as SCP-6372-2 & take to site 77 for a mtf member during a containment breach SCP-6372-3 go the mtf helicopter & command fire!! at SCP-6789 SCP-6372-3 command at SCP-105 to take a photo at SCP-6789 & put to containmet bus and take to site 32 further investigation.
special containment procedures: SCP-6372-4 is to always be locked up in a
Vampire house in the football stadium in site-182 which SCP-6372-4 is always to be locked and watched from a 1 x 2 meter steel glass window. There should always be at minimum 5 guards behind the glass while watching the subject.
Subject should once a week have a portion of three cups of fresh blood 5 kg of meat & 7 plants.
The blood should be delivered by a hole with a steel closing that should be closed at all time except for feeding of the vampire.
The guards at the window shall at every time have fully loaded weapons and a flashlight to blind the subject.
Description: SCP-6372-4 appears to be a pop troll vampire is height 5′ 2″ it has paler pink hair & skin Vampire fangs and has Vampire clothing with a gray & black dress,with a bat wing on his back, bat crown on his head, & a gray net and sleeves SCP-6372-4 can aso form into a bat to fly to catch his victims & suck up some blood victims & SCP-6372-4 can make illusions of hot girls to lower his victims wean SCP-6372-4 do she can put his fangs like a straw to suck up the victims blood intil SCP-6372-4 complete sucking his victim & put the victim to decay over time.
SCP-6372-4 is from the same group of SCPs called SCP-6372
beecuse of this is that SCP-6372-4 can not burn at the day SCP-6372-4 have a same skin as the pop trolls SCP-6372-4 can make contact with SCP-6084 and by making nice to SCP-6084.
Addendum: SCP-6372-4 was discovered on a abandoned vampire house on 4/12/1996 when 6 friends went inside the building they start seeing a empty around the building when the 3rd one heard a little girl crying when they went up stairs to see a cry of a little girl when they get to the top of the building they see a girl cry it was pink little vampire cry with fangs & bat wing on his back they see SCP-6372-4 cry on his mom & dad it was Alone crying because his mom & dad died SCP-6372-4 sees a man she screams and run as impossible when they catch SCP-6372-4 when they call the foundation they take SCP-6372-4 with mtf & they take to a scp researcher's home to stay for 20 years then they take SCP-6372-4 to site-182.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6372-5 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell in a football stadium in site-182 furnished with a with a bed, a nightstand, a CyberPowerPC , bookshelf ' & a feed of 4 kg of meat every lunch & diner , the bookshelf should be allowed books it requests to read for SCP-6372-5 is to be provided with a silver for containment .
Description: SCP-6372-5 is a werewolf troll male appearing of a age 39 years old the height 6′ 1″ dude the angry nature of SCP-6372-5 is volent to foundation personnel is classfied as an Euclid of contain of SCP-6372-5 , SCP-6372-5 is carnivore can eat meat of killing of 70 foundation personnel SCP-6372-5 mutations became a stray and attacked 23 people, 13 injured and 10 killed and therefore , SCP-6372-5 is fast, reaching speeds in excess of 93 mph.
SCP-6372-5 is from the group of SCPs called SCP-6372.
SCP-6372-5 is highly intelligent, often making plans to breach the containment chamber. It is not unusual to witness 3 successful breaches in a 7 day period. SCP-6372-5 is thought to be on a comparable inteligence level of Pan Troglodytes. quite often suffers from seizures. These seizures are characterised by whimpers, roars and occasional screams.
During these seizures SCP-6372-5 can be at risk of heart failure meaning that MTF Personel must observe episodes carefully to ensure that the seizures are well managed and administer life-saving care and medicines as required. SCP-6372-5 is extremley resistant to bullets. Bullets will often bounce of SCP-6372-5's skin unless directed at the eyes, nose or mouth. These areas of the face are.
These areas of the face are deemed to be the weakest point of the creature. Anti armoured vehicle bullets appear to be the most effective method in which to disable SCP-6372-5, however, due to its regenerative properties and if no more than 70% of SCP-6372-5's body is damaged, it will enter a dormant state and secreate a viscuis liquid which will harden after 10 minutes and will aid re-generation. This substance is nearly impossible to break unless heat is applied, during this dormant state SCP-6372-5 should be moved to its containment chamber and will eventually become active again and all missing tissue will be repaired.
SCP-6372-5 should not be killed due to research of the mutation and possible use in the foundation due to its inteligence and strength. One of the more unusual characteristics of SCP-6372-5 is that its hide is human skin but much thicker. Tests performed on skin samples have lead Dr. bright to the conclusion that it was not a pure bred dog but rather the result of an experiment.
Addendum: SCP-6372-5 was discovered on 5/6/1998 when 7 friends was on camping in the woods wean 6372-5 sees 2 of the friends 6372-5 starts kill the 2 friends 5 of the friends run for cover the friends used silver to scare the way of 6372-5 wean foundation sees 6372-5 it was shot with a sleeping dart for 4 hours & friends what happen wean 2 the friends of was killed or ben eating by 6372-5.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6372-6 must be keep in a 10 m x 10 m x 10 m airtight cube behind 3 airtight steel doors with x-rays implemented. This SCP is held in site-19 sector 08. All people exiting SCP-6372-6's cell must come out shirtless to see any scars afflicted on the back, it is known that SCP-6372-6 will take over a body by ripping out the skeleton and crawling into it (more in description) with rock clothing & a guitar . It has been noted that SCP-6372-6 has a high concentration of iron in the three dots on its head causing it to easily be seen under an X-ray showing it is possibly controlled bone cancer. If it is found from one of the X-rays an alarm over 100 decibels will be played to make SCP-6372-6 go back to its cell.
Description: is a sentient skeleton troll with a black transparent skin with bones his ears is kina boney his hair red & green stripes. his mouth & eyes glow green some times it needs clothes.
SCP-6372-6 is SCP-6372 rock star because is a rock troll
will exert anomalous properties when someone grabs both of it's hands, now titled SCP-6372-6. When SCP-6372-6 grabs the victim hands, it will commit a vice like grip on victim's hands, not letting go until it finishes it's process. Any attempts to free SCP-6372-6 proves fruitless. The victim's skin will then change Even with the black of their skin, SCP-2820-1 is kept alive by unknown means. Any of that have victim's cut off of SCP-6372-6's body will then flow on the floor, going on SCP-6372-6's victim, being decay . SCP-6372-6's victim will then start to tingle, and then begin to slowly decay the victim's body. SCP-6372-6's victim will then start to tingle, and then crawl off of victim's body, until it connects with SCP-6272-6's guitar. Any left over victim's, like the victim will then be liquefied by unknown means, and flow out of SCP-6372-6's guitar.
After all of SCP-6372-6's victim boodys have been removed, SCP-6372-6 will then let go o,the victim just looking at him/her. & zap the victim with his guitar to a skeleton The skeleton will now be turn to dust. SCP-6372-6's remains will then move into it's bed, waiting for a new subject to repeat the process. SCP-6372-6, will then stand up straight, look at Foundation Personnel, and [Redacted]
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6372-7 & 8 is to be kept within an Frankenstein castle close to the Site-23 SCP-6372-2 containment cell. The Frankenstein castle closet is to be feed & furnished with a standard hardwood table where an electrical outlet is to be installed. The Item is to be placed at a distance from the electrical outlet, that will put minimal stress on the Item's cord where the it must be plugged in at all times. The Item is not allowed internet access. One Foundation Security Officer is to be stationed outside the closet, with shift cycles occurring every six hours. Only two people are allowed inside the room at any given time and requires the Site Manager's written authorization for access to SCP-6372-7 & 8. Every six hours, an onsite computer technician is authorized to check the Item for dust mites.
Due to Incident 6372-7 & 8 Whiskey Alpha November the previous Containment Procedures are to be stricken from the document when the item is returned to custody. SCP-6372-7 & 8 is to be considered armed and dangerous. The object is not to be talked to due to potentially over killing information on the foundation and kills SCP-6372-7 & 8 may have. MTF Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" has been deployed to track down and detain SCP-6372-7 & 8. In the event MTF Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" is unable to apprehend SCP-6372-7 & 8, MTF Tau-5 "Samsara" will be deployed to track down and contain SCP-6372-7 & 8. Until then, the objects class has been upgraded from Safe to Euclid.
Description: SCP-6372-7 & 8 is a Frankenstein funk troll'SCP-6372-7 this SCP has bolts on neck or head it has a black vest & bolts on his neck & one in his head his eyes is red the skin is pale purple has stitches for SCP-6372-8 it has pale blue & black Fur has bolts on the neck his hair is black & white stripes & red eyes stitches Aso can talk to SCP-6372-7
its from a group of SCPs called SCP-6372
SCP-6372-7 & 8 has lived in a Frankenstein castle that is sure the foundation used the castle to contain SCP-6372-7 & 8 the kills is cause of killing 76 people of 76 d-class of a 2 kig of tnt every day every 6 hours can feed up to 60 kig of meat & plants.
with testing with d class Included SCPs to SCP-6372-7 & 8's containment cell d class felled & SCPs wins SCP-6372-7 & 8 had to be recharge when a lighting storm comes.