
Created: 06 Jan 2021 06:13 by Anonymous, Last updated: 11 Jan 2021 04:20 by Anonymous. History

Item#: 6707
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Threat Level: Green

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6707 is to be contained within a standard humanoid containment cell at all times and is not permitted to exit unless approved by two level 4 clearance personnel. No female subjects are permitted within 20 meters of SCP-6707 as the passive effects of the entity will cause a possible containment breach. Two armed security personnel are to remain outside of SCP-6707's containment chamber at all times, and are to escort SCP-6707 if the entity is permitted to exit the chamber. SCP-6707 is to have basic furniture within the cell, including a foundation-screened computer with the popular streaming service "Twitch" installed, and SCP-6707 is only permitted 4 hours of computer usage per day. SCP-6707 is contained in Euclid-Hallway-6G-1 in Site-89 and the SCP-6707 project is under the supervision of Doctor Clarence Benedict and Site Director Charles Hollender.


SCP-6707 during a stream.

Description: SCP-6707 is a 1.8 meter tall male of Caucasian decent. SCP-6707 appears to be an exact replication of the popular Twitch streamer █████ ████████, or more commonly known as "im_bullish" which produces SCP related content, most notably "SCP Secret Laboratory", the game created by Vanessa Benedict and George Tanglewood of the Graphic Designs Division. SCP-6707 is capable of answering cognitive and aptitude tests considerably well, at an average of 92 percent. SCP-6707 enjoys conversing with D-class personnel and research personnel and give helpful life advise and it would appear that SCP-6707 considerably cares about human life. SCP-6707 is threatened with termination if it discusses the entities, location, or subjects within Site-89 while streaming to the public.

SCP-6707 will transport subjects to a pocket dimension classified as SCP-6707-Alpha. The inside area of SCP-6707-Alpha is still mostly unknown. The inside appears to be a large room, with unknown dimensions as the walls are not visible (View Exploration-Log.60707.2 for further information) and there is a single standing desk in front of a large computer monitor, measuring 1.2 meters in height and 4.2 meters in length. The screen will remain as static for approximately 45 minutes, and the computer image will clear, to show a group of statue-like figures appearing to shamble closer to the monitor. The figures vary in height and size, some instances are missing limbs and other vital parts of the body to function. At roughly 56 minutes, the instances will break through the glass and attempt to terminate the subject.

Addendum.6707.1: When a victims subject comes within attack's of SCP-6707, they will be transported to a pocket dimension, classified as SCP-6707-Alpha where 85 percent of subjects expire. The subject will be released from SCP-6707-Alpha within 10-24 hours after they enter the dimension. The subject/corpse are transported to their former home, or the home of a relative. The cause of death varies case-by-case, but is usually blunt force trauma, decapitation, and impaling as camera evidence suggests a group of entities designated as SCP-6707-2 will terminate the subject with their bare hands. Exploration Logs are listed below for further reference of SCP-6707's pocket dimension.
Discovery: SCP-6707 was first discovered in ██████ ████, California on ██/██/20██. Mobile Task Force agents were alerted to numerous disappearances within SCP-6707's residence. It was also noted that all missing subjects reappeared at a relative's home. Agent ████ █████ "Copper" and Agent ███ ██████ "Europa" were both transported to SCP-6707-Alpha and Agent "Copper" escaped while Agent "Europa" expired. SCP-6707 was apprehended and transported to Site-89 for further testing.

Addendum.6707.1: When a victims subject comes within attack's of SCP-6707, they will be transported to a pocket dimension, classified as SCP-6707-Alpha where 85 percent of subjects expire. The subject will be released from SCP-6707-Alpha within 10-24 hours after they enter the dimension. The subject/corpse are transported to their former home, or the home of a relative. The cause of death varies case-by-case, but is usually blunt force trauma, decapitation, and impaling as camera evidence suggests a group of entities designated as SCP-6707-2 will terminate the subject with their bare hands. Exploration Logs are listed below for further reference of SCP-6707's pocket dimension.

Exploration Logs

Below are the listed documents of SCP-6707-Alpha. The video from the videos have been removed by Ethics Committee member William Sharp for brutality, and traumatic scenes. The logs have been translated into audio logs.

Exploration Log.6707.1
D-6504 was transported inside of SCP-6707-Alpha to explore the environment that Agent "Copper" described. D-6504 was equipped with a shoulder mounted camera and a flashlight.

Note from Researcher Michael Struder: As described by the Mobile Task Force agent, the glass on the monitor shattered, however the glass was intact in this exploration. My current hypothesis is that when subjects are removed from SCP-6707-Alpha, the glass reforms itself.

Exploration Log.6707.2
D-6505 is equipped with a standard issue M9 pistol with one spare magazine, a shoulder mounted camera, and a flashlight with a lifespan of 5 hours.

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